Thursday, September 23, 2010

The Secret to True Beauty

Hello everyone! I read beauty and fashion blogs, read magazines and shop quite often and in all of this there is one area of beauty I have noticed that remains the underdog, which is inner beauty. We can shop til we drop giving away all of our money on beauty products and we can have all the latest fashions but sometimes we have to stop and take a look in the mirror. Inner beauty is not talked about enough which brings us to today's topic which is confidence. Have you ever noticed that certain girl that you would not even dare consider her to be attractive but somehow the men swoon over her? That's called confidence. Confidence in not having to worry about if a guy thinks you're cute or if your outfit is the best. Confident in just being you and accepting who you are. Confident in believing and knowing you are beautiful just the way you are. Check out the Bruno Mars song titled "Just the Way You Are" and you'll see what I mean. Are you that girl with a gap? Love it. That girl with the cowlick that won't behave? Enhance it. That girl with the dimples? Smile more. Confidence is being secure with yourself and being comfortable in your own skin no pun intended(okay, just a little pun intended). Don't confuse this with arrogance because there is a difference. Try for one day not worrying about your cosmetic and so called superficial imperfections because no two people are alike, even twins. Supermodels aren't even perfect. Don't forget there was something different about them that allowed them to get the job. Lauren Hutton modeled and became famous with a gap in her teeth. Cindy Crawford got denied several times in the modeling industry due to her mole which is now by the way is called a beauty mark(go figure). Tyra Banks gets criticized over her forehead which some consider to be large but that didn't stop her from becoming a supermodel. The next time you are out walk with your head up and embrace your self. Love the skin you are in and smile, smile, smile.

I suggest reading a poem called "Phenomenal Woman" by Maya Angelou. It is a beautiful poem about a woman who has what others would call no physical beauty but because she embraces her own natural beauty she lets her light shine and her "hidden beauty" becomes visible to others.

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