What can we use Vaseline for? Hmmm. This age old fight will never fail about using petroleum jelly and the pros and cons? Our forefathers and parents grew up on this stuff and it never hurt them. My mother used it on me regularly until I was too grown for her to slather me down with it and I must say I have beautiful skin. I myself have used Vaseline for various beauty rituals along the years with positive results. Too many times we want to buy, buy, and buy without looking right at home in our medicine cabinets. I have used Vaseline on my teeth while photo shooting and yes you can do that. It has been done in the industry before. I have used Vaseline on my eyelashes to keep them moisturized. Many people including myself have purchased Talika Lipocils, Sherani Lash Conditioner and countless other lash conditioners. It is especially good for after showering or bathing to apply a good amount to feet and put in socks overnight. You will wake up smooth and heavily moisturized without that greasy feeling. As I was researching on more ways to use Vaseline I ran across a post on http://www.christinaloves.com/. I can't think of another way to say it as well as she does so check her out and get grooving for cheap and look like a million. XOXOXO
*Image of blinged out Vaseline sent to The Tyra Banks show from Vaseline valued at $100!
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