Wednesday, August 4, 2010


Smashbox O-Gloss at Sephora
Yesterday I was out and about in my local plaza area and decided to stop into Beauty Brands. I tried out the Smashbox O-Gloss intuitive lip gloss. I tried it on me and my two precious girls. It gave my youngest a glossy peach color and  my oldest a coral colored gloss. It turned my lips into a fuchsia color. The product comes out clear and transparent but when applied to lips turns them into your own shade of pink depending on your body's chemistry.  This product also includes ginkgo biloba and pomegranate seed antioxidants. I noticed last night that from the time I put it on about six in the evening until this morning I did not have to apply any more to my lips. I ate dinner and drank a glass of milk(It does a body good). On a scale of 1 to 5 I give this product a 5 even though I did not get the color I desired it did a pretty good job of keeping my lips healty and moisturized. This product retails for $22 and you can buy it online at Sephora. Keep tuning in for more glamour styles and budget tips.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Lets Sparkle and Shine

Today we will be talking about glitter. Glitter has been around for quite some time but is highly overlooked. If you can pull it off you can be quit the trend setter without looking like you just came off the Vegas show strip. First you want to start off with cosmetic grade glitter. This is the kind of loose glitter you can find at Sally's Beauty or Walgreens in the beauty and makeup section. After you find the right color next choose how you will use your glitter. You can put your desired amount of glitter in your lotion. Shake and apply. This is also an inexpensive option to buying costly store bought brands. This can also work well for body oil. Just make sure to shake(with the top on of course) before applying. Next you can place glitter in an inexpensive clear coat nail polish and apply to nails. Voila! Instant readiness for a day of shopping or a picnic with that special someone. Last but not least you can actually use your cosmetic grade glitter for cosmetics. This can easily be applied to your eyelashes with mascara or lightly on eyelids. You will need something applied to your lids to make glitter stick such as an eyeshadow primer. Hopes this helps and remember these are only suggestions. If you have any suggestions for beauty ideas please let me know!

Monday, August 2, 2010

Very Influential

It’s Tuesday and I am feeling a lot better and in the swing of things. I spoke with a dear friend yesterday and I am very proud of his success. A lot of our youth spend time doing absolutely nothing or spend a lot of time doing absolutely foolish and destructive things. He is now producing songs for major recording stars and doing his dream, something a lot of us think about or never accomplish. Even going as far as employing some of his family members. That in itself made me feel a lot better. I get excited and gushing on the inside when people do positive things. Another person I know through affiliation is the face behind Black Media Productions. Fredrickus Williford, a guy for as long as I can remember has been very creative on his entrepreneurship and building blocks to his future. Today’s blog is a lot different today but the inspiration drove me to it. Two young fresh faces on the scene working constantly at their goals. This inspires myself to strive harder at my own business ventures and a positive look on life. If they can do it I know I can. What will be the deciding factor in your life that sets you apart from the rest? Today is a day to reflect on yourself , your dreams, aspirations, and goals in life. As the days get shorter and time slips away from you don’t let another day go by that you don’t act on your dream. Acting, singing, coaching, or owning your very own store. Do it today because tomorrow is not promised.


Monday Rut

Have you ever had one of those days where even though you were at work, you didn't want to be. One of those days where no matter what you were doing you didn't want to do it? You oversleep past the alarm clock. The children's hair isn't quite combed and your daycare provider looks as if you are an unfit parent. You can't quite seem to pick out a suitable outfit for work. You stroll into your place of employment with stripes and plaids instead of a smooth flowing outifit. Please let me know I am not the only one! I am having one of "those" moments where no matter what I can't seem to do it. Work well, type well. Even think well. I guess maybe I am still stuck in this weekend and not wanting to flow into Monday. Let's hope that come Tuesday I can be there too. Time to get rid of "weekend hangover."